Spring/Fall Semesters*:
Monday - Thursday: 7 am - 8 pm
Friday: 7 am - 4:30 pm
Sunday: 12 pm - 8 pm
Summer and Break*:
Monday - Friday: 7 am - 4:30 pm
*These are our normal hours of operation. For exceptions, please check the library website.
All current students, faculty, and staff have access to Stoxen Library online resources from off campus. When accessing electronic library resources, you will be prompted to give a one-time Federation Consent. Choose “yes.” You will also be prompted to log in. Use the same credentials you use for Blackboard.
For more information, check out this video. (This tutorial is currently unavailable. Please ask library staff for more information on the subject.)
If you have problems with access, please contact Stoxen Library. You can reach Stoxen Library staff by:
You also have the option to request physical items. If it is part of the Stoxen Library collection, either email Stoxen Library with the information regarding the items you would like, or submit a hold request with a note stating you are off campus (See instructions here). Library staff will follow up with you to verify your mailing address. The item(s) will be mailed to you with return postage included.
If you are interested in Interlibrary Loan Services, check out the Interlibrary Loan LibGuide.
Our staff is available to assist you. You can reach us in a number of ways: