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Reading Lists: Assignments

A guide for creating and using reading lists in Blackboard


Read and Respond Assignments are a way to simplify reaction assignments. Instead of students needing to have an article open in one window and the appropriate Discussion Board open in another, they can write their reactions right there on the PDF. The instructor is able then able to read the student comments, insert comments of their own, and provide the student their grade without having to open any extra windows or documents. These assignments integrate with your gradebook in Blackboard. You will not be able to utilize assignments if you do not have Reading Lists set up for your course. Work with the library to get things set up.

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Adding a Read and Respond Assignment follows the same process as adding the Reading List tool. First, locate where you would like to place the assignment. Then click the plus sign.

Choose Content Market from the menu.        

Then find Leganto Assignments (LTI 1.3).               

Click on the tile to activate the Assignments Wizard.

Upload your PDF by dragging and dropping the file or browsing. Make a copyright declaration, provide a title for the assignment, and give any instructions you would like the student to have. Then click Create.

Your assignment is now available for students.